Safety First
At CPU, we know that safety is job one for any business. By following good safety habits, you can help protect your customers, employees, contractors and vendors from injury.
If you are planning to work around power lines, always call CPU to isolate, ground or de-energize overhead power lines to protect your contractors and/or employees.
You also should:
- Conduct hazard assessments before work begins to identify and mitigate potential safety concerns.
- Make sure workers are educated on proper safety procedures and requirements.
- Always remember that safety trumps speed.
- Know the safe working distance for contractors, employees and equipment.
- Even at a safe working distance, non-conductive wood or fiberglass ladders should be standard issue.
- Ensure that contractors and employees put extra barriers between themselves and any electrical hazards by wearing personal protective equipment. Appropriate PPE includes rubber insulating gloves and insulating sleeves, as well as insulated tools and protective harnesses and helmets.
For additional safety and health recommendations on topics such as fall prevention, occupational noise exposure or heat, visit the OSHA website.
Stay alert and stay safe.
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