December 6, 2022
Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did (are doing) to correct this situation.
We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Testing results from 3rd Quarter 2022 show that our system exceeded the standard, or maximum contaminant level (MCL), for Disinfection Byproducts. The standard for TTHM is 80 µg/L and for HAA5 is 60 µg/L. It is determined by averaging all the samples collected at each sampling location for the past 12 months. The level of TTHM averaged at one of our system's locations for 3rd Quarter 2022 was 105 µg/L.
What should I do?
What does this mean?
This is not an emergency. If it had been an emergency, you would have been notified within 24 hours. *TTHM are four volatile organic chemicals. HAA5 are five haloacetic acid compounds which form when disinfectants react with natural organic matter in the water. 'People who drink water containing trihalomethanes more than the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer. People who drink water containing haloacetic acids more than the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.*
What is being done?
For more information, please contact:
LaDawn Jackson, Lead Customer Service Representative
Clarksdale Public Utilities
416-420 Third Street
Clarksdale, MS 38614
"Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail."
For more than 125 years, Clarksdale Public Utilities has supplied utility services that support our community’s growth, vibrance and quality of life. But we are more than a provider of reliable and affordable electric, water and wastewater services — we are your family, friends and neighbors. We are people who care. We are CPU.
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